New Arrival

New Arrival ♕

Dont Let Them Bury My Story

I have lived through the massacre every day. Our country may forget this history, but I cannot.”

- Viola Ford Fletcher

Viola Ford Fletcher’s memoir Don’t Let Them Bury My Story vividly recounts the lasting impact of the Tulsa Massacre on her life. As the oldest survivor and last living witness of the tragic events that unfolded in 1921, she shares her testimony with poignant clarity. From the terror of her childhood as a seven-year-old fleeing the burning streets of Greenwood to her current role as a 109-year-old family matriarch seeking justice for the affected families, Mother Fletcher takes us on a journey through a lifetime of pain and perseverance. Her inspiring story is a powerful reminder that some wounds never fully heal, and we must never forget the lessons of our history.

Mocha MediA

If Mocha is a Modernist capturing the essence and diversity of Black Literature, Art, and Movements, then Mocha Media is the Oracle, using the most relevant and engaging digital media platforms to chronicle and tell the ever-evolving story of the black experience by live streaming conversations.

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